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Peppermint Crisp Tart:

Ingredients 2 packets of Tennis biscuits or one packed of crushed Mari Biscuits with butter (like the lemon meringue base) 2 sachets of Orley Whip or 500ml cream 1 tin caramel peppermint crisp chocolate Bar of any peppermint chocolate

Method: 1. place the tennis biscuits or if you are using crushed Mari biscuits. 2. Beat the Orley Whip / cream. 3.Beat the caramel in. 4. Grater the bar of chocolate in and a half of peppermint chocolate bar 4. put the Orley Whip mixture ontop of the base 4.Grater peppermint crisp on top. 5.Place in fridge to set.

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